Why you’ll never crave a carrot. (but you could always eat a pizza).

Zoe (with a zed)
4 min readDec 27, 2020

How your taste buds have been hijacked to want shit food.

Once upon a time, we humans ate food to sustain ourselves. You see, we are pretty amazing. We have sophisticated systems to enable us to perform our most essential task; find food for fuel. Our taste abilities have been shaped by the ecological niches our evolutionary ancestors occupied and by the nutrients they sought. They helped us to identify nutrients to survive.

These days we still need those nutrients (more than ever before), but our eating patterns have changed. We now eat mindlessly in pursuit of calories and not nutrients. But what if I was to tell you that your pursuit of high calorie and often nutrient devoid food is not your fault, and that food has been manipulated so that you crave the shit stuff.

What do I mean ‘manipulated’?

When I say manipulated, I’m talking about the flavour. To understand the western world’s constant desire to overindulge in shit food, we need to talk about flavour. The food we eat today tastes very different from the food your granny used to eat and this is all thanks to two main factors:

1. Food technology innovation — (flavour engineering in particular).

2. Food production — supply and demand.

Sydney Trox



Zoe (with a zed)

Tea drinker. Permanent student of life. Perspective is everything. Thoughts become things. Think Wisely.