Why the paleo diet isn’t that paleolithic.

Zoe (with a zed)
3 min readFeb 2, 2021

The Paleo diet is one of the world’s fastest-growing diets. The idea behind it is to abandon our modern agricultural diets and eat like our paleolithic ancestors (like the photo above).

How do they market this diet to the consumer for it to be so popular?

A typical search on google for a paleolithic or ‘primal’ plate of food and you will get something like this………

Meat, fish, eggs, bit of oil, bit of veg, bit of fruit. BOSH.

While there is nothing wrong with these foods, I’d like to argue that paleolithic people did not all eat these foods in the quantities mentioned and promoted. Bold statement I know, but let me explain…

To understand what these people really ate, we need to listen to Archeological scientists. These smart people Study the health and dietary history of ancient people using bone biochemistry and DNA.

Versions of the paleo diet that are promoted in popular diet culture have no basis on archaeological reality. We’re told that humans evolved to eat meat and paleolithic people ate large quantities of it.

The thing is, humans have no known anatomical or physiological, or genetic adaptations to meat consumption. How do we know this? Let’s take a look at this cute picture of a lion…



Zoe (with a zed)

Tea drinker. Permanent student of life. Perspective is everything. Thoughts become things. Think Wisely.